- Enseignant: Amidou KONKOBO
- Enseignant: Kpèbbèwèrè Cédric SOME
- Enseignant: Karim GUIBULA
Scilab est un logiciel de calcul numérique gratuit à la différence de Matlab avec lequel il partage une même philosophie. Il et est disponible sous multiples systèmes d’exploitation : Windows, Linux et Max OS X. Scilab est aussi bien adapté aux étudiants qu’aux scientifiques.
L'objectif de ce cours est de vous guider progressivement dans la découverte des différentes fonctionnalités de base du logiciel Scilab jusqu’à son usage pour des modélisations et calculs numériques plus ou moins complexes.
- Enseignant: Yves Zango
- Enseignant: Vini Yves Bernadin LOYARA
- Enseignant: KARIM KABORE
English is essential today in all fields, be they economic, cultural or social. Science is no exception to this state of affairs. Almost all of the best scientific papers are in English, and research publications are readily accepted when written in that language. It is in consideration of all this that we are offering this module to L1 S2 mathematics students so that they can overcome this lack.
o General objectives
o OG 1 knowing the basis of English grammar.
o OG 2 internalysing lexical items.
o OG 3 Comprehending a reading text.
o OG 4 Writing e-mails,memos,meeting minutes,focused resumes.
o OG5 Arrange meetings on the phone,giving instructions,doing oral presentations.
Pedagogical approach
This module is designed according to a pedagogical approach specific to distance learning. This training mode allows you to learn at your own pace, in a relatively autonomous way. However, we recommend that you adopt a regular learning pace from the start of the semester, as you must commit to handing in the graded assignments and completing the supervised exam (s) at the prescribed times. If applicable, you should also participate in collaborative learning activities.
The formative assessment is not graded, except for quizzes and other exceptional cases, where the grade awarded is indicative only. It is presented in the form of check-in activities, review questions or exercises to be performed, most often in a self-assessment process. The formative assessment emphasizes the most important points of the material. A answer key is generally available, but we suggest that you only consult it after you have completed the activity. These formative assessment activities prepare you for summative assessments. It is therefore very important to do them conscientiously.
· Rasmane Kaboré
- Enseignant: Rasmané KABORE
- Enseignant: Kpèbbèwèrè Cédric SOME
Un système d’exploitation est un programme qui fait
fonctionner les autres programmes ainsi que la partie matérielle de l’ordinateur. Il agit
comme un intermédiaire entre l’utilisateur, les logiciels d’application et la partie matérielle
de la machine. Ce cours introduit les principes fondamentaux des systèmes d’exploitation,
de sa structure et de son fonctionnement. Il traite l’ensemble des techniques matérielles et
logicielles utilisées pour construire un SE et permet également d’acquérir des connaissances
en rapport avec l’installation et la maintenance des SE.
- Enseignant: Etienne Batiobo